Last Updated on January 23, 2023
The statements on Patch Happy LLC's website, the business (also known as "Patch Happy" and "Patch Happy Club" and collectively the “Company”), business partners, affiliates, products, websites (www.PatchHappyClub.com, www.ReverseAgingRevealedSummit.com), or associated materials have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The content presented is in summary form, is general in nature and provided for informational purposes only. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking because of something you have read on our websites or associated materials. 

Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions as these diseases commonly present with variable signs and symptoms. 

Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. We assume no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, ideas or instruction contained in the materials provided to you. We reserve the right to change or discontinue at any time any aspect or feature contained in our information.

Patches are based on the theory of phototherapy.  The patches are not proven based on traditional medicine standards and should not be used in place of medical care.  These products have not been tested on pregnant women.

Testimonials are given by people with their own consent and of their own experiences. 

No warranties are implied or stated in relation to the products, services, and information provided by Patch Happy LLC (also known as “Patch Happy” and "Patch Happy Club"), other than completion and delivery within written contracts.

All assets within the website, products, and services are not licensed or sold, unless otherwise stated.  Assets include graphics, images, jpegs, gifs, products, copy, text, photos, videos, memes, scripts, icons, and otherwise.  Reproduction without written permission is prohibited.  Items may not be copied, cloned, rented, sold, modified or otherwise reverse engineered without written permission, except as allowed by law.  Patch Happy retains all intellectual property rights to content.

This blog/website may contain links to other websites or third-party content that are provided for convenience or informational purposes. We have no control over the nature, content, and availability of those sites or resources. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them. 

The content shared within the website is often created by others outside the company, for example, interviews are direct expression of the person speaking.  The content created or expressed by individuals using the platform, it's contents, products or services that include views and opinions not generated within the company, including guest speakers, interviews, and so forth, do not necessarily represent the views of Patch Happy LLC, Patch Happy Club, The Reverse Aging Revealed Summit, or any individual working with or for the company.  

NO claims are being made by Patch Happy LLC, (also known as "Patch Happy" and "Patch Happy Club" and collectively the “company”), regarding medical and health claims that contradict or are not verified and approved to be significant scientific agreement among qualified experts that the claim is supported by the totality of publicly available scientific evidence to support the medical claim relating to claims that are not “authorized” or “qualified” by the FDA process, which include (but not limited to):

Health claims:
• No claims are made containing the elements of a substance and a disease or health-related condition;
• No claims are made regarding disease risk reduction;
• No claims are made regarding diagnosis, cure, mitigation, or treatment of disease; and
• No claims are made that are not reviewed and evaluated by FDA prior to use.

This applies to any direct or indirect advertising claims, promotional or marketing materials in verbal, written, audio, printed or electronic formats to promote the Virtual Summit and/or related events provided by The Company. This includes content provided through video interviews, training materials, products, testimonials (provided by you, your company, a patient, a client, or other person providing a testimonial for your content, or the Virtual Summit content), and email communications.

This includes content provided by others for use for and within the company.   Patch Happy does not verify all claims made by speakers or testimonials made by participants and therefore does not take responsibility for any claims made by those or other persons providing information within the content, or feedback about the content.  People should verify claims on their own and made their own decisions about products, services, and information.

NO financial guarantees by Patch Happy LLC, (also known as "Patch Happy" and "Patch Happy Club" and collectively the “company”), are stated, implied, or promised within any Patch Happy materials or website, neither verbally or written, which includes any claims about the potential earnings of affiliate commissions working with Patch Happy or its business partners or affiliates.  All business involves risk.

Earnings and income representations are examples from past scenarios, financial models, case studies, informational, or inspirational of earning potential. Some examples are exceptional and non-typical. They should not be considered as typical or average. They are not intended to guarantee similar results in future projects.

An investor may get back less than the amount invested in any investment, including in Sales Funnels. Past performances is NOT necessarily a guide to future performance.

Some opportunities carry greater risk than others and are sometimes associated with larger investments and higher risk strategies. Losses can result, which could have a detrimental effect on the value of a business.

Although others have had success with sales and marketing, including online marketing, there is NO guarantee that your product or service will do the same.  There is NO guarantee that your sales funnel will perform similarly to other similar sales funnels.

The success that Patch Happy, Angela Hopkins, and any consultants and contractors working with Patch Happy, who have had success with other ventures, investments, companies, products, services, sales, marketing, or strategies does not guarantee future success for them or guarantee your success.  Many things impact success potential, some within your control and some outside your control.  Individual results will vary and depend on many factors including the economy, skills, capacity, infrastructure, marketplace supply and demand, and more. Therefore, each situation is unique.

Although Patch Happy may provide scenarios with estimates specific to your situation, your business, and/or your funnel, including conversion ratios and financial projections, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE that your product, service, funnel, or business will perform as well as the estimates, the control case, case studies, projections, or testimonials.  Many factors influence sales, especially traffic.  Patch Happy cannot and does NOT provide any financial earning claims.

Consider your investment carefully.  Consider your risk tolerance and financial portfolio when making financial business decisions.  If you decide to move forward, consider the amount of your budget that is sensible for your financial situation and business needs, before selecting an option.

Users of our online educational and informational materials should do their own due diligence.  Custom done-for-you services cannot be evaluated on sales and financial results.  Use of this website, our products, and services confirms that Patch Happy is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions that were influenced by our products, services, or information provided.

The services provided by Patch Happy may not be suitable for all investors. If you have any doubt, you should seek advice from an independent counsel from your financial advisor or other professional counsel.

This applies to any promotional or marketing materials in verbal, written, audio, printed or electronic formats to promote the Virtual Summit and/or related events provided by The Company.  This includes content provided through video interviews, training materials, products, testimonials (provided by you, your company, a patient, a client, or other person providing a testimonial for your content, or the Virtual Summit content), and email communications. 

This includes content provided by others for use for and within the company.  Patch Happy does not verify all claims made by speakers or testimonials made by participants and therefore does not take responsibility for any claims made by those or other persons providing information within the content, or feedback about the content.  People/Person(s) should verify claims on their own and made their own decisions about products, services, and information. 

To ask questions or comment about these disclaimers, contact us at:

Patch Happy LLC
693 E. Wythe Creek Ct. #944
Kuna, Idaho, USA 83634


Patch Happy Club | (c) 2022 & Beyond | All Rights Reserved
693 E Wythe Creek Ct #944, Kuna, Idaho, USA 83634

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